Sunday, 5 July 2009

3 Wonderful Factors To Consider If It Is A Baby Girl You Want.

Thank God you’ve decided to have a baby. Great for you! Reasons for you to have a baby of a certain gender. And you’ve settled for a baby girl. The good reasons why you might want to have a girl is obviously known to you. That is completely your own business. But I am sure you will be delighted to know there are many ways how to have a baby girl. Very simple I must tell you.

A few factors will help you to determine the gender of children. These factors are those that we don’t have any control over. These factors includes age, hobbies, and professions. All these factors can influence the gender of children.

Factor Number One: Age And Profession/Hobbies

Research has made us to understand that younger people tend to have more boys than girls. Meanwhile men who fly a lot or deep sea dive tend to have more girls than boys.

This has a scientific backup. The Male sperm and female sperm have different characteristics – (just as there different characteristics between the two genders) the male sperm are faster but more fragile while female sperm are slower but tougher. These characteristics are what will lead the sperm to be influenced by the factor above (age, flying, sea diving etc.).

Factor Number Two: Having Intercourse At The Right Time In Your Cycle.

This is very important I must tell you. To have a baby girl you must make sure you are having intercourse at the right time in your cycle. Women naturally ovulate fourteen days before their next period. So this where the place of planning comes in you must plan when you have intercourse with relation to your ovulation cycle. It is easier said then done because it’s not always easy to predict when ovulation will occur.
Therefore adequate knowledge of your ovulation cycle is important.

Knowing these facts can help you to know what you should do in order to conceive a child of the gender of your choice. In fact, with these facts in hand you be should be able to determine when you have sexual intercourse and the positions you use to have sexual intercourse. This is just how to have a baby girl.

Factor Number Three: Positioning During Sexual Intercourse

Another factor to consider is your position during sexual intercourse. Use positions that will help the odds of having a girl during sexual intercourse. There are appropriate positions in sexual intercourse that will help you have either a girl or a boy. With the full knowledge of how sperm act will ultimately help you determine which positions you use.

It is very easy to learn how to have a baby girl. Firstly, you must know the different characteristics between male and female sperm. Then plan when you and how you have sexual intercourse accordingly. With all these in play and correctly putting them together your chances of having a baby girl will be highly increased.


Choosing the gender of your baby is as easy as ABC. It doesn't matter who you are. Your age, status and wallet do not count and more importantly the number of children you already have. Here are the secrets that will make the picking of the gender of your baby like child’s play and you getting the actual gender you desire.CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

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