Monday, 6 July 2009

The Key To Getting The Baby Gender Of Your Choice.

Getting the gender of your Choice is very simple. To get any thing worthwhile in life you have to possessing the key to getting that which you desire. In real life the key opens the door, without the key the door remains shut and access to it is virtually impossible.

The key to getting the baby gender you desire are just three elements. The elements of the key are preparation, correct method and correct time. These elements are very important as without any of them the door that unlocks the gender of your choice remains locked.
Let’s run through these elements.

Element One: Preparation

“Preparation is what precedes Manifestation” Bishop Oyedepo, what you don’t prepare for you are not expected to have. If you do not prepare for an examination you are not expected to pass that examination. If you do not prepare the choice of your baby gender then you get what you see.
So how do you prepare?
Preparation in this regard is not a daunting process but for you to get adequate information on how you get that baby gender you desire. The information you get will ultimately determine how far you can go.
It also requires you to take specific types of diet that can influence the gender you want. This is where information also comes in. Therefore get informed.

Element Two: Correct Method

Correct method here implies the method you adopt or rather positions used during sexual intercourse. For you to have a baby boy is to use a sexual position that will give the male sperm the best chance of surviving and fertilizing the egg. This implies that you use positions that will allow you to deposit the sperm as deeply into the cervix as possible. Adequate knowledge of these positions also applies to having a baby girl.

Element Three: Correct Time.

Timing is of utmost importance here. What are we timing? Timing of sexual intercourse. For example if you want a baby girl you must make sure you are having intercourse at the right time in your cycle. Women ovulate fourteen days before their next period. So you need to plan when you have intercourse according to when you are going to ovulate. Of course that’s easier said then done because it’s not always easy to predict when ovulation will occur. That requires you to have an adequate knowledge of your ovulation cycle.
With these three elements in place the key that opens up the Baby Gender of your choice is activated and your desires in placed into your hands on platter of gold.

Here again is what the formula looks like;
Preparation + Correct Method + Correct Time = Baby Gender Of Your Choice.
Very simple isn’t it.


Choosing the gender of your baby is as easy as ABC. It doesn't matter who you are. Your age, status and wallet do not count and more importantly the number of children you already have. Here are the secrets that will make the picking of the gender of your baby like child’s play and you getting the actual gender you desire.CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

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